Analysis Services

Stopping or Removing Analysis Services

To stop Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Analysis Services, follow these steps:

  1. Open Control Panel.

  2. If your computer's operating system is Windows® 2000, open the Administrative Tools folder, and then double-click Services.

    If your computer's operating system is Windows NT® 4.0, double-click Services.

  3. Select MSSQLServerOLAPService, and then on the Action menu click Stop.

  4. Wait until the application notifies you that the service has stopped.

To remove Analysis Services, use the Add/Remove Programs application in Control Panel. Removing Analysis Services does not delete the Analysis Services repository (Msmdrep.mdb), which contains Analysis Services meta data, or the query log (Msmdqlog.mdb). If you want to fully remove Analysis Services, you must delete these files manually.