Analysis Services

How to incrementally update a cube

To incrementally update a cube

Caution  This procedure updates a partition. Incorrect use of partitions can result in inaccurate cube data. For more information, see Managing Partitions.

  1. In the Analysis Manager tree pane, under the database that contains the cube, expand the Cubes folder.

  2. Right-click the cube, and then click Process.

  3. In the Process a Cube dialog box, click Incremental update.

  4. (Optional.) To incrementally update shared dimensions contained in the cube during processing, select Incrementally update the shared dimensions used in this cube.

  5. Click OK to display the Incremental Update Wizard.

  6. In the Incremental Update Wizard:
    1. In the Welcome step, click Next.

    2. If the cube contains multiple partitions, the Select a partition to update step appears. In the Partition box, select the partition to update, and then click Next.

    3. In the Data source box, select the data source that contains the data to add to the partition. You can select the same data source used by the partition or a different one. By default the same data source used by the partition is initially displayed. To select a different data source, click Change, select the data source, and then click OK. If you select a different data source, it must contain a fact table with the same structure and columns as the fact table for the partition, and it must contain dimension tables with the same structure and columns as the partition's dimension tables.

    4. In the Fact table box, select the table that contains the data to add to the partition. You can select the partition's fact table or a different table. By default the partition's fact table is initially displayed. If you select this table, you must use a filter, as described in the next step, to ensure that only data not already in the partition is added. To select a different table, click Change, select the table, and then click OK. If you select a different table, it must have the same structure and columns as the fact table for the partition. You must also manually merge the table with the fact table for the partition after the incremental update completes. For more information, see Fact Table Considerations When Merging Partitions. Click Next.

    5. Specify a filter (WHERE clause expression) to limit the data selected from the fact table and added to the partition. A filter is required if you select the fact table for the partition as the fact table for the incremental update (that is, if you select the default fact table). For more information, see Partition Filters and Incremental Update Filters. Click Next.

    6. Click Finish.
  7. In the Process dialog box, wait for the incremental update to finish processing, or click Stop to halt and cancel processing.

See Also

Updating and Refreshing Cube Data