Analysis Services

How to specify drillthrough options for a partition

To specify drillthrough options for a partition

  1. In the Analysis Manager tree pane, under the cube that contains the partition, expand the Partitions folder.

  2. Right-click the partition, and then click Edit.

  3. Advance to the Finish step of the Partition Wizard, and then click Advanced.

  4. In the Advanced Settings dialog box, click Drillthrough.

  5. In the Columns tab, select the columns to be displayed when drillthrough is executed.

    Important  If you select a column to which a cube role is denied access and then grant the cube role the ability to drill through, you create a security exposure. (You can deny access to a column by using dimension security or cell security. For more information, see Dimension Security and Cell Security.) When the end users in the cube role drill through, they access the denied column.

  6. (Optional.) In the Filter tab, specify a filter (WHERE clause expression) to limit the result set returned by drillthrough. Do not include the keyword WHERE. For example, to limit the result set to fourth quarter data, specify:

    For more information, see Drillthrough Filters.

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the Advanced Settings dialog box, click OK.

  9. In the Partition Wizard, click Finish.

See Also

Specifying Drillthrough Options