Analysis Services

How to edit an action in a virtual cube

To edit an action in a virtual cube

  1. In the Analysis Manager tree pane, right-click the virtual cube, and then click Edit.

  2. In the Virtual Cube Editor tree pane, right-click the action, and then click Edit.

  3. In the Action Wizard, in the Select target step, select the object to which the action is attached. Generally, in client applications, the action is displayed when end users select the target object; however, the client application determines which end-user operation displays actions. Click Next.

  4. In the Select the action type step, select the type of action. The type indicates the kind of operation performed by the action. For more information about action types, see Creating Actions. Click Next.

  5. In the Define the action syntax step, specify the parameters that are passed when the action is executed. The syntax must evaluate to a string. Click Next.

  6. In the Finish step, specify the action name. Click Finish.

  7. To save the action, in Virtual Cube Editor, on the File menu, click Save.

See Also

Editing an Action in a Virtual Cube

How to test an action