Analysis Services

How to create a virtual dimension based on member properties

To create a virtual dimension based on member properties

  1. Depending on whether the virtual dimension will be shared or private, do one of the following:
    • If the virtual dimension will be shared, in the Analysis Manager tree pane, expand the database in which you want to create the virtual dimension. Right-click the Shared Dimensions folder, point to New Dimension, and then click Wizard.

    • If the virtual dimension will be private, in the Analysis Manager tree pane, right-click the cube in which you want to create the virtual dimension, and then click Edit. On the Insert menu, point to Dimension, and then click New.
  2. In the Welcome step, click Next.

  3. In the Choose how you want to create the dimension step, select Virtual Dimension: The member properties of another dimension. Click Next.

  4. In the Select the dimension with the member properties step, select the dimension that contains the member properties. Click Next.

  5. In the Select the levels for the virtual dimension step, select the levels for the virtual dimension:
    1. For each level you want to define, beginning with the top level, in the Available member properties box, select the member property that defines the level, and then click >.

    2. Click Next.
  6. In the Select advanced options step, choose any advanced options that may apply. If no advanced options apply, click Next.

  7. If the Specify ordering and uniqueness step appears, for each level, in the Order by column, select the value that determines the order by which the level's members are displayed to end users. Also, for each level, in the Keys unique and Names unique columns, specify the scope of uniqueness among the member keys and member names, respectively. Click Next.

  8. In the Finish step:
    1. In the Dimension name box, type a name up to 24 characters long.

    2. If the virtual dimension will be private, clear the Share this dimension with other cubes check box. (This check box is not displayed if you are following the procedure for a shared virtual dimension.)

    3. Click Finish.

See Also

Creating Virtual Dimensions