Obtains a bind token so an extended stored procedure session can share a common transaction lock space with the client session that invoked the extended stored procedure, instead of opening a separate session.
int srv_getbindtoken (
SRV_PROC* srvproc,
char* bindtoken );
Is a pointer to the SRV_PROC structure that is the handle for a particular client connection. The srvproc parameter contains information that the ODS Library uses to manage communication and data between the application and client.
Is a pointer to a buffer where the bind token will be copied. The bind token is represented as a null-terminated string. The buffer you specify should be 255 bytes in length.
To bind an extended stored procedure session to the client session that called it so they share the same transaction lock space
Note Only one bound session at a time can have access to a shared connection. If one session is currently executing a statement at the server or has results pending from the server, no other sessions sharing the same bound connection can gain access to the server until the current session has finished executing the current statement. If a session attempts to gain access to the connection while the server is busy, an error is returned to the conflicting session indicating the connection is in use and the session should retry later.