ODBC and SQL Server

COMPUTE Clause and Multiple Result Sets

The compute sample illustrates handling the multiple result sets that occur when an application executes a Transact-SQL SELECT statement containing a COMPUTE clause.

The sample executes a statement, and then uses SQLMoreResults and SQLColAttribute to determine the shape of each result set generated.

The sample shows how to mix array and single-row binding for rapid and space-efficient handling of the output.

Before compiling the compute sample, open the project and locate these lines in compute.cpp:

PTSTR       szDataSource = _T("MyDatasource");
PTSTR       szUID = _T("MyUID");
PTSTR       szPWD = _T("MyPwd");

Replace the strings:

After compiling and linking the sample, run it by specifying its name at the command prompt:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Devtools\Samples\ODBC\Compute\Debug 
Functions Illustrated
SQLAllocHandle SQLDisconnect SQLNumResultCols
SQLBindCol SQLExecDirect SQLSetEnvAttr
SQLColAttribute SQLFetch SQLSetStmtAttr
SQLConnect SQLFreeHandle  
SQLDescribeCol SQLGetDiagRec