ODBC and SQL Server


SQLColumnPrivileges uses the catalog stored procedure sp_column_privileges to report user permissions for columns in a table.

The following table shows SQLColumnPrivileges parameter mapping for sp_column_privileges stored procedure execution.

SQLColumnPrivileges parameter name sp_column_privileges parameter name
CatalogName table_qualifier
SchemaName table_owner
TableName table_name
ColumnName column_name

SQLColumnPrivileges returns SQL_SUCCESS whether or not values exist for the CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName, or ColumnName parameters. SQLFetch returns SQL_NO_DATA when invalid values are used in these parameters.

SQLColumnPrivileges can be executed on a static server cursor. An attempt to execute SQLColumnPrivileges on an updatable (dynamic or keyset) cursor will return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicating that the cursor type has been changed.

The Microsoft® SQL Server™ ODBC driver supports reporting information for tables on linked servers by accepting a two-part name for the CatalogName parameter: Linked_Server_Name.Catalog_Name.

See Also
