ODBC and SQL Server

Transactions in ODBC

Transactions in ODBC are managed at the connection level. When an application completes a transaction, it commits or rolls back all work done through all statement handles on that connection. To commit or roll back a transaction, applications should call SQLEndTran rather than submitting a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.

An application calls SQLSetConnectAttr to switch between the two ODBC modes of managing transactions:

Autocommit mode is the default transaction mode for ODBC. When a connection is made, it is in autocommit mode until SQLSetConnectAttr is called to switch to manual-commit mode by setting autocommit mode off. When an application turns autocommit off, the next statement sent to the database starts a transaction. The transaction then remains in effect until the application calls SQLEndTran with either the SQL_COMMIT or SQL_ROLLBACK options. The command sent to the database after SQLEndTran starts the next transaction.

If an application switches from manual-commit to autocommit mode, the driver commits any transactions currently open on the connection.

ODBC applications should not use Transact-SQL transaction statements (such as BEGIN TRANSACTION, COMMIT TRANSACTION, ROLLBACK TRANSACTION) because this can result in indeterminate behavior in the driver. An ODBC application should either:

See Also

