The following errors are obtained from the IXMLDOMParseError object's errorCode property, which is specifically for parse errors.
Parse Errors
MSG_E_FORMATINDEX_BADINDEX | The value passed in to formatIndex needs to be greater than zero. |
MSG_E_FORMATINDEX_BADFORMAT | Invalid format string. |
MSG_E_SYSTEM_ERROR | System error: %1. |
MSG_E_MISSINGEQUALS | Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value. |
MSG_E_EXPECTED_TOKEN | Expected token %1 found %2. |
MSG_E_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN | Unexpected token %1. |
MSG_E_MISSINGQUOTE | A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found. |
MSG_E_COMMENTSYNTAX | Incorrect syntax was used in a comment. |
MSG_E_BADSTARTNAMECHAR | A name was started with an invalid character. |
MSG_E_BADNAMECHAR | A name contained an invalid character. |
MSG_E_BADCHARINSTRING | The character "<" cannot be used in an attribute value. |
MSG_E_XMLDECLSYNTAX | Invalid syntax for an xml declaration. |
MSG_E_BADCHARDATA | An invalid character was found in text content. |
MSG_E_MISSINGWHITESPACE | Required white space was missing. |
MSG_E_EXPECTINGTAGEND | The character ">" was expected. |
MSG_E_BADCHARINDTD | Invalid character found in DTD. |
MSG_E_BADCHARINDECL | An invalid character was found inside a DTD declaration. |
MSG_E_MISSINGSEMICOLON | A semicolon character was expected. |
MSG_E_BADCHARINENTREF | An invalid character was found inside an entity reference. |
MSG_E_UNBALANCEDPAREN | Unbalanced parentheses. |
MSG_E_EXPECTINGOPENBRACKET | An opening "[" character was expected. |
MSG_E_BADENDCONDSECT | Invalid syntax in a conditional section. |
MSG_E_INTERNALERROR | Internal error. |
MSG_E_UNEXPECTED_WHITESPACE | White space is not allowed at this location. |
MSG_E_INCOMPLETE_ENCODING | End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding. |
MSG_E_BADCHARINMIXEDMODEL | Mixed content model cannot contain this character. |
MSG_E_MISSING_STAR | Mixed content model must be defined as zero or more("*"). |
MSG_E_BADCHARINMODEL | Invalid character in content model. |
MSG_E_MISSING_PAREN | Missing parenthesis. |
MSG_E_BADCHARINENUMERATION | Invalid character found in ATTLIST enumeration. |
MSG_E_PIDECLSYNTAX | Invalid syntax in PI declaration. |
MSG_E_EXPECTINGCLOSEQUOTE | A single or double closing quote character (\' or \") is missing. |
MSG_E_MULTIPLE_COLONS | Multiple colons are not allowed in a name. |
MSG_E_INVALID_DECIMAL | Invalid character for decimal digit. |
MSG_E_INVALID_HEXADECIMAL | Invalid character for hexadecimal digit. |
MSG_E_INVALID_UNICODE | Invalid Unicode character value for this platform. |
MSG_E_WHITESPACEORQUESTIONMARK | Expecting white space or "?". |
MSG_E_SUSPENDED | The parser is suspended. |
MSG_E_STOPPED | The parser is stopped. |
MSG_E_UNEXPECTEDENDTAG | End tag was not expected at this location. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDTAG | The following tags were not closed: %1. |
MSG_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTE | Duplicate attribute. |
MSG_E_MULTIPLEROOTS | Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document. |
MSG_E_INVALIDATROOTLEVEL | Invalid at the top level of the document. |
MSG_E_BADXMLDECL | Invalid XML declaration. |
MSG_E_MISSINGROOT | XML document must have a top level element. |
MSG_E_UNEXPECTEDEOF | Unexpected end of file. |
MSG_E_BADPEREFINSUBSET | Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset. |
MSG_E_PE_NESTING | The replacement text for a parameter entity must be properly nested with parenthesized groups. |
MSG_E_INVALID_CDATACLOSINGTAG | The literal string "]]>" is not allowed in element content. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDPI | Processing instruction was not closed. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDSTARTTAG | Element was not closed. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDENDTAG | End element was missing the character ">". |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDSTRING | A string literal was not closed. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDCOMMENT | A comment was not closed. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDDECL | A declaration was not closed. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDMARKUPDECL | A markup declaration was not closed. |
MSG_E_UNCLOSEDCDATA | A CDATA section was not closed. |
MSG_E_BADDECLNAME | Declaration has an invalid name. |
MSG_E_BADEXTERNALID | External ID is invalid. |
MSG_E_BADELEMENTINDTD | An XML element is not allowed inside a DTD. |
MSG_E_RESERVEDNAMESPACE | The namespace prefix is not allowed to start with the reserved string "xml". |
MSG_E_EXPECTING_VERSION | The version attribute is required at this location. |
MSG_E_EXPECTING_ENCODING | The encoding attribute is required at this location. |
MSG_E_EXPECTING_NAME | At least one name is required at this location. |
MSG_E_UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE | The specified attribute was not expected at this location. The attribute may be case sensitive. |
MSG_E_ENDTAGMISMATCH | End tag %2 does not match the start tag %1. |
MSG_E_INVALIDENCODING | System does not support the specified encoding. |
MSG_E_INVALIDSWITCH | Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported. |
MSG_E_EXPECTING_NDATA | NDATA keyword is missing. |
MSG_E_INVALID_MODEL | Content model is invalid. |
MSG_E_INVALID_TYPE | Invalid type defined in ATTLIST. |
MSG_E_INVALIDXMLSPACE | XML space attribute has invalid value. Must specify "default" or "preserve". |
MSG_E_MULTI_ATTR_VALUE | Multiple names found in attribute value when only one was expected. |
MSG_E_INVALID_PRESENCE | Invalid ATTDEF declaration. Expected #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, or #FIXED. |
MSG_E_BADXMLCASE | The name "xml" is reserved and must be lowercase. |
MSG_E_CONDSECTINSUBSET | Conditional sections are not allowed in an internal subset. |
MSG_E_CDATAINVALID | CDATA is not allowed in a DTD. |
MSG_E_INVALID_STANDALONE | The standalone attribute must have the value "yes" or "no". |
MSG_E_UNEXPECTED_STANDALONE | The standalone attribute cannot be used in external entities. |
MSG_E_DOCTYPE_IN_DTD | Cannot have a DOCTYPE declaration in a DTD. |
MSG_E_MISSING_ENTITY | Reference to an undefined entity. |
MSG_E_ENTITYREF_INNAME | Entity reference is resolved to an invalid name character. |
MSG_E_DOCTYPE_OUTSIDE_PROLOG | Cannot have a DOCTYPE declaration outside of a prolog. |
MSG_E_INVALID_VERSION | Invalid version number. |
MSG_E_DTDELEMENT_OUTSIDE_DTD | Cannot have a DTD declaration outside of a DTD. |
MSG_E_DUPLICATEDOCTYPE | Cannot have multiple DOCTYPE declarations. |
MSG_E_RESOURCE | Error processing resource %1. |
XML_IOERROR | Error opening input file: %1. |
XML_ENTITY_UNDEFINED | Reference to undefined entity %1. |
XML_INFINITE_ENTITY_LOOP | Entity %1 contains an infinite entity reference loop. |
XML_NDATA_INVALID_PE | Cannot use the NDATA keyword in a parameter entity declaration. |
XML_REQUIRED_NDATA | Cannot use a general parsed entity '%1' as the value for attribute '%2'. |
XML_NDATA_INVALID_REF | Cannot use unparsed entity %1 in an entity reference. |
XML_EXTENT_IN_ATTR | Cannot reference an external general parsed entity %1 in an attribute value. |
XML_STOPPED_BY_USER | XML parser stopped by user. |
XML_PARSING_ENTITY | Error while parsing entity %1. %2. |
XML_E_MISSING_PE_ENTITY | Parameter entity must be defined before it is used. |
XML_E_MIXEDCONTENT_DUP_NAME | The same name must not appear more than once in a single mixed-content declaration: %1. |
XML_NAME_COLON | Entity, EntityRef, PI, Notation names, or NMToken cannot contain a colon. |
XML_ELEMENT_UNDECLARED | The element %1 is used but not declared in the DTD/Schema. |
XML_ELEMENT_ID_NOT_FOUND | The attribute %1 references the ID %2, which is not defined anywhere in the document. |
XML_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE | Error in the default attribute value defined in DTD/Schema. |
XML_XMLNS_RESERVED | Reserved namespace "%1" cannot be redeclared. |
XML_EMPTY_NOT_ALLOWED | Element cannot be empty according to the DTD/Schema. |
XML_ELEMENT_NOT_COMPLETE | Element content is incomplete according to the DTD/Schema. |
XML_ROOT_NAME_MISMATCH | The name of the top-most element must match the name of the DOCTYPE declaration. |
XML_INVALID_CONTENT | Element content is invalid according to the DTD/Schema. |
XML_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_DEFINED | The attribute %1 on this element is not defined in the DTD/Schema. |
XML_ATTRIBUTE_FIXED | Attribute %1 has a value which does not match the fixed value defined in the DTD/Schema. |
XML_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE | Attribute %1 has an invalid value according to the DTD/Schema. |
XML_ILLEGAL_TEXT | Text is not allowed in this element according to the DTD/Schema. |
XML_MULTI_FIXED_VALUES | An attribute declaration cannot contain multiple fixed values: "%1". |
XML_NOTATION_DEFINED | The notation %1 is already declared. |
XML_ELEMENT_DEFINED | The element %1 is already declared. |
XML_ELEMENT_UNDEFINED | Reference to undeclared element: %1. |
XML_XMLNS_UNDEFINED | Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: %1. |
XML_XMLNS_FIXED | Attribute %1 must be a #FIXED attribute. |
XML_E_UNKNOWNERROR | Unknown error: %1. |
XML_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_MISSING | Required attribute %1 is missing. |
XML_MISSING_NOTATION | Declaration %1 contains a reference to undefined notation %2. |
XML_ATTLIST_DUPLICATED_ID | Cannot define multiple ID attributes on the same element. |
XML_ATTLIST_ID_PRESENCE | An attribute of type ID must have a declared default of #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED. |
XML_XMLLANG_INVALIDID | The language ID %1 is invalid. |
XML_PUBLICID_INVALID | The public ID %1 is invalid. |
XML_DTD_EXPECTING | Expecting: %1. |
XML_NAMESPACE_URI_EMPTY | Only a default namespace can have an empty URI. |
XML_LOAD_EXTERNALENTITY | Could not load %1. |
XML_BAD_ENCODING | Unable to save character to %1 encoding. |
SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTEVALUE_NOSUPPORT | A namespace was found but not supported at the current location. |
SCHEMA_SCHEMAROOT_EXPECTED | Incorrect definition for the root element in the schema. |
SCHEMA_ELEMENT_NOSUPPORT | Element %1 is not allowed in this context. |
SCHEMA_ETNAME_MISSING | An ElementType declaration must contain a name attribute. |
SCHEMA_ETYPE_MISSING | An element declaration must contain a type attribute. |
SCHEMA_ETORDER_UNKNOWN | Schema only supports order types "seq", "one", and "many". |
SCHEMA_ELEMENTDT_NOSUPPORT | Content must be "textOnly" when using datatype on an ElementType. |
SCHEMA_ETORDER_DISABLED | Order must be "many" when content is "mixed". |
SCHEMA_ETCONTENT_UNKNOWN | Content must be of type "empty","eltOnly","textOnly", or "mixed". |
SCHEMA_ETMODEL_UNKNOWN | The value of the model must be either "open" or "closed". |
SCHEMA_ELEMENT_DISABLED | Cannot contain child elements because content is set to "textOnly". |
SCHEMA_ELEMENT_MISSING | Must provide at least one "element" in a group. |
SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE_NOTSUPPORT | The attribute %1 on an %2 is not supported. |
SCHEMA_ATNAME_MISSING | AttributeType declaration must contain a name attribute. |
SCHEMA_ATNAME_DUPLICATED | Duplicated attribute declaration. |
SCHEMA_ATREQUIRED_INVALID | Invalid value for required attribute. |
SCHEMA_DTTYPE_UNKNOWN | Unknown attribute datatype. |
SCHEMA_DTTYPE_DUPLICATED | Duplicated datatype declaration. |
SCHEMA_ENUMERATION_MISSING | An element with a values attribute must contain a type attribute of the value "enumeration". |
SCHEMA_DTVALUES_MISSING | Must provide a values attribute on an element that contains a type attribute of the value "enumeration". |
SCHEMA_ATYPE_MISSING | Attribute declaration must contain a type attribute. |
SCHEMA_ATYPE_UNDECLARED | The specified attribute must first be declared using an AttributeType declaration. |
SCHEMA_GROUP_DISABLED | A "group" is not allowed within an ElementType that has a "textOnly" content model. |
SCHEMA_GMATTRIBUTE_NOTSUPPORT | The attribute %1 on a group is not supported. |
SCHEMA_DTVALUES_VALUES_MISSING | The values for enumeration type are missing. |
SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULTVALUE | The default value "%1" is invalid. |
SCHEMA_DTTYPE_DISABLED | Datatype is not allowed when content model is not "textOnly". |
SCHEMA_ELEMENT_EMPTY | Child element is not allowed when content model is "empty". |
SCHEMA_ELEMENT_DATATYPE | Child element is not allowed when datatype is set. |
SCHEMA_DTTYPE_MISSING | Type is missing on the datatype element. |
SCHEMA_MINOCCURS_INVALIDVALUE | The value of attribute minOccurs should be "0" or "1". |
SCHEMA_MAXOCCURS_INVALIDVALUE | The value of attribute maxOccurs should be "1" or "*". |
SCHEMA_MAXOCCURS_MUSTBESTAR | The value of attribute maxOccurs must be "*" when attribute "order" is set to "many". |
SCHEMA_ELEMENTDT_EMPTY | The value of the datatype attribute cannot be empty. |
SCHEMA_DOCTYPE_INVALID | DOCTYPE is not allowed in Schema. |