OLE DB now defines security interfaces to manage users and objects in a generic fashion. These expose the functionality of the Jet engine in a way that should allow interoperability with other security models and implementations. Security in OLE DB is defined by four interfaces: ITrusteeAdmin, ITrusteeGroupAdmin, IObjectAccessControl, and ISecurityInfo. The Jet OLE DB Provider implements all of these interfaces, allowing full control of Jet security.
Jet also now supports SQL-based security commands. These are based on the SQL-92 GRANT/REVOKE syntax and enable security management in a fashion similar to traditional relational databases. Because some portions of Jet's security model are different from other database engines, this syntax will not be completely compatible with other databases. However, you should be able to access the complete spectrum of Jet security capabilities through the SQL grammar, which should provide additional flexibility to consumers who previously had to use DAO or Microsoft Access to manage security in Jet.