OLE DB Programmer's Reference


Property group: Data Source Information


Type: VT_I4

Typical R/W: R

Description: Support for named levels

This is an OLE DB for OLAP property. A bitmask specifying whether the provider supports named levels and/or numbered levels. Can be one or more of the values described in the following table.

Value Meaning
MDPROPVAL_NL_NAMEDLEVELS The provider supports named levels.
MDPROPVAL_NL_NOSUPPORT The provider does not support named levels. If this value is set, the provider is not required to support the LEVELS schema rowset or to include the LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME in the MEMBERS and PROPERTIES rowsets.
MDPROPVAL_NL_NUMBEREDLEVELS The provider supports numbered levels using the LEVELS(n) function.
MDPROPVAL_NL_SCHEMAONLY The provider supports "dummy" named levels. These level names are for display only and are frequently just provider-generated names for a given level number. These names cannot be used in an MDX statement (such as in <level_name>.MEMBERS). These names appear in the LEVEL_NAME and LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME columns of the schema rowset; providers may choose to have the same name in both the columns, or they can generate LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME by appropriately qualifying the LEVEL_NAME. It is provider-specific whether these dummy names also appear in the LEVEL_UNIQUE_NAME column of the MEMBERS and PROPERTIES rowsets.