Drops a column from the base table.
HRESULT DropColumn( DBID *pTableID, DBID *pColumnID);
Return Code
The provider could not drop the column because pColumnID was referenced in a constraint belonging to a table other than pTableID.
The provider could not drop the column because pColumnID was referenced, along with one or more other columns, in a constraint definition on pTableID.
If ITableDefinition::DropColumn returns any errors, the column is not dropped.
If the session is participating in a transaction, if DBPROP_SUPPORTEDTXNDDL is DBPROPVAL_TC_DDL_IGNORE, and if the method succeeds, the operation is complete and is unaffected by subsequent calls to abort or commit the transaction.
If the session is participating in a transaction, if DBPROP_SUPPORTEDTXNDDL is DBPROPVAL_TC_DDL_COMMIT, and if the method succeeds, the transaction is committed without retention. No new transaction is created. Any new work done on the session is outside the scope of a transaction. Attempting to explicitly commit or abort when there is no outstanding transaction returns an error.