Gets the most recent data either from the provider-implemented data cache that is visible to the transaction or from the data store.
HRESULT GetLastVisibleData ( HROW hRow, HACCESSOR hAccessor, void *pData);
Return Code
If this method performs deferred accessor validation and that validation takes place before any data is transferred, it can also return any of the following return codes for the applicable reasons listed in the corresponding DBBINDSTATUS values in IAccessor::CreateAccessor:
This method makes no logical change to the state of the object. A consumer calls IRowsetRefresh::GetLastVisibleData to retrieve the latest visible data from the data store.
For providers that cache visible data, this is visible data obtained in the most recent call to IRowsetRefresh::RefreshVisibleData for this row. On a given row with pending changes, until there has been a successful call to refresh the visible data cache with IRowsetRefresh::RefreshVisibleData, this method will return the same data as a call to IRowsetUpdate::GetOriginalData for that row. On a given row with no pending changes, this method will return the same data as a call to IRowset::GetData for that row.
For providers that don't cache visible data or for deferred columns, this is the data currently visible from the data store. For a complete description of how IRowsetRefresh::GetLastVisibleData retrieves data, see "Getting Data" in Chapter 6: Getting and Setting Data.
IRowsetRefresh::GetLastVisibleData is usually used in combination with IRowset::GetData and IRowsetUpdate::GetOriginalData to allow consumers to display collisions occurring with optimistic updates. After a row collision and a call to IRowsetRefresh::RefreshVisibleData to obtain the latest data store values for the conflicting rows, the three GetData-style functions collectively allow consumers access to all three sets of values needed to analyze the collision and decide on a resolution. The consumer can gain access to the pending-change values (GetData), the original values of the rowset before any changes were made (GetOriginalData), and the newly changed values at the data store that caused the collision (GetLastVisibleData).
If IRowsetRefresh::GetLastVisibleData fails for any reason other than DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED, the memory to which pData points is not freed but its contents are undefined. If before IRowsetRefresh::GetLastVisibleData failed the provider allocated any memory for return to the consumer, the provider frees this memory and does not return it to the consumer. The same is true if DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED was returned but the consumer did not request status values in the binding.
There is a difference between calling IRowsetUpdate::GetOriginalData and calling IRowsetRefresh::GetLastVisibleData. In a delayed update mode, if data is changed by another consumer, different consumers may retrieve different data. For example, the value in Column 1 is X. In a delayed update mode, Consumer A changes the value in that column to Y but does not transmit this action to the data store. Consumer B then changes the value in Column 1 to Z. If Consumer A calls IRowsetUpdate::GetOriginalData, it gets X. However, if it calls IRowsetRefresh::GetLastVisibleData, using a dirty read, it will retrieve Z.
IRowset::GetData | IRowsetRefresh::RefreshVisibleData | IRowsetUpdate::GetOriginalData