Begins at the specified bookmark and finds the next row matching the specified value.
HRESULT FindNextRow ( HCHAPTER hChapter, HACCESSOR hAccessor, void *pFindValue, DBCOMPAREOP CompareOp, DBBKMARK cbBookmark, const BYTE *pBookmark, DBROWOFFSET lRowsOffset, DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBCOUNTITEM *pcRowsObtained, HROW **prghRows);
Valid coercions for IRowsetFind::FindNextRow are the same as those for IRowsetChange::SetData.
Only DBCOMPAREOPS_EQ, DBCOMPAREOPS_NE, and DBCOMPAREOPS_IGNORE are valid for the following values of CompareOp:
The values in DBCOMPAREOPSENUM have the meanings described in the following table.
Value | Description |
DBCOMPAREOPS_LT | Match the first value that is less than the search value. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_LE | Match the first value that is less than or equal to the search value. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_EQ | Match the first value that is equal to the search value. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_GE | Match the first value that is greater than or equal to the search value. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_GT | Match the first value that is greater than the search value. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_BEGINSWITH | Match the first value that has the search value as its first characters. This is valid only for values bound as string data types. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_NOTBEGINSWITH | Match the first value that does not have the search value as its first characters. This is valid only for values bound as string data types. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_CONTAINS | Match the first value that contains the search value. This is valid only for values bound as string data types. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_NOTCONTAINS | Match the first value that does not contain the search value. This is valid only for values bound as string data types. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_NE | Match the first value that is not equal to the search value. If the search value is NULL, this matches the first non-NULL value. If the search value is non-NULL, this matches the first non-NULL value that is not equal to the search value. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_IGNORE | Ignore the corresponding value.
The provider ignores pFindValue and returns the next cRows rows starting from the row indicated by pBookmark, skipping the number of rows indicated by lRowsOffset. Note DBCOMPAREOPS_IGNORE must be supported by all providers that implement IRowsetFind or IViewFilter. |
DBCOMPAREOPS_CASESENSITIVE and DBCOMPAREOPS_CASEINSENSITIVE | Specify whether the search is case-sensitive or case-insensitive.
You can join DBCOMPAREOPS_CASESENSITIVE or DBCOMPAREOPS_CASEINSENSITIVE with any of the other DBCOMPAREOPS values in a bitwise OR operation. If neither is used, the search is handled according to the provider's implementation. Both DBCOMPAREOPS_CASESENSITIVE and DBCOMPAREOPS_CASEINSENSITIVE are ignored when searching for nonstring values. |
To request that the find occur starting with the next fetch location, the consumer can specify a cbBookmark value of zero and set pBookmark to null. The next fetch location is the same as the next fetch position used by IRowset::GetNextRows.
If cbBookmark equals zero, the provider ignores pBookmark.
If the rowset does not support IRowsetLocate, only the special bookmarks DBBMK_FIRST and DBBMK_LAST, and the null value, may be used.
If the rowset does not support scrolling backward, only the null bookmark value may be used.
If the rowset is chaptered, the identified row must fall within the specified chapter.
The search direction is the same as the fetch direction, so a negative count searches backward from the starting position and returns successively earlier rows as subsequent obtained rows. If cRows is zero and there are no other errors, no rows are fetched. In this case, if cbBookmark is zero, the next fetch position is moved to the same position as if calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with cRows equal to 1 and releasing the retrieved row. In general, consumers should avoid calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with cRows equal to zero.
Note Calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a cbBookmark value of zero searches for a column value relative to the current IRowset::GetNextRows position. Following the call to IRowsetFind::FindNextRow, the fetch for IRowset::GetNextRows is also moved. Calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a cbBookmark value of zero and a cRows value of zero is defined as setting the next fetch position to the same location as by calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a cbBookmark value of zero and a cRows value of one.
In general, it is not useful to call IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a cRows value of zero. Due to ambiguity in the previous versions of the OLE DB Programmer's Reference, some providers may not implement the next fetch position as defined, and consumers should not rely on the next fetch position following a call to IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a cbBookmark value of zero and a cRows value of zero.
Return Code
The row specified by *pBookmark was deleted, is no longer a member of the rowset, or is a row to which the consumer does not have access rights. IRowsetFind::FindNextRow skipped that row and began searching with the next row in the direction indicated by cRows.
If this condition occurs along with another warning condition, the method returns the code for the other warning condition. Therefore, whenever a consumer receives the return code for another warning condition, it should check to see whether this condition occurred.
cbBookmark was not 0, and pBookmark was a null pointer.
*pBookmark did not match any rows in the rowset. This includes the case when the row corresponding to the bookmark has been deleted and DBPROP_BOOKMARKSKIPPED was VARIANT_FALSE.
*pBookmark was not a null value, and the rowset does not support scrolling backward.
*pBookmark was not DBBMK_FIRST, DBBMK_LAST, or a null value, and the rowset does not support IRowsetLocate.
The rowset was chaptered, and *pBookmark did not apply to the specified chapter.
Note Consumers should attempt to use only bookmarks that they have received from the provider. The provider is guaranteed only to handle bookmarks it gives out in a predictable manner. Attempting to use a random value as a bookmark is undefined; the provider may return DB_E_BADBOOKMARK, may return an unexpected row, or may terminate abnormally.
The rowset was single-chaptered, and the specified chapter was not the currently open chapter. The consumer must use the currently open chapter or release the currently open chapter before specifying a new chapter.
CompareOp was DBCOMPAREOPS_BEGINSWITH or DBCOMPAREOPS_CONTAINS, and pFindValue was not bound as a string value.
The specified CompareOp could not be supported on the column, or the column was not searchable.
lRowsOffset was negative, and the rowset cannot scroll backward.
The provider maintains a next fetch position that is used in subsequent calls to either IRowset::GetNextRows or IRowsetFind::FindNextRow. The next fetch position is changed either by calling IRowset::GetNextRows or by calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a null pBookmark value. Calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a non-null pBookmark value has no effect on the next fetch position. If the fetch direction is reversed from the previous call, the next fetch position in the new direction is the last row that was fetched in the previous direction. Otherwise, the next fetch position is the row following the last row fetched by IRowset::GetNextRows or by IRowsetFind::FindNextRow with a null pBookmark value.
See IRowsetLocate::GetRowsAt for a complete description of the results for given values for a bookmark, offset, and number of rows to fetch.
IRowsetFind::FindNextRow searches the rowset in the direction indicated by cRows for a row that matches pFindValue according to the specified CompareOp. When a match is found, if cRows is greater than 1, additional rows are returned in rowset order as if the consumer called IRowset::GetNextRows starting with the first matching row. If no rows match the criteria, IRowsetFind::FindNextRow returns DB_S_ENDOFROWSET and pcRowsObtained is set to zero.
For a newly created rowset, if pBookmark is null, the search begins starting with the row computed according to the next fetch position as described in IRowset::GetNextRows for newly created rowsets.
It is not required that the rowset be ordered on the column searched. IRowsetFind::FindNextRow always finds the next row according to the criteria, regardless of the sort order.
IRowsetFind::FindNextRow increments the reference count of each row for which it returns a handle by 1. Therefore, if a handle is returned for a row that has already been fetched, the reference count of that row will be greater than 1. IRowset::ReleaseRows must be called once for each time the handle to a row has been returned.
If the provider encounters a problem fetching a row—for example, data stored in a text file contains a letter in a numeric column—IRowsetFind::FindNextRow fetches the row normally, returns the row handle, and returns S_OK. However, when the consumer calls IRowset::GetData for the row, the provider returns DBSTATUS_E_CANTCONVERTVALUE as the status for the offending column.
If an error occurs when calling IRowsetFind::FindNextRow, the next fetch position is left unchanged.
If IRowsetFind::FindNextRow performs deferred accessor validation and that validation takes place before any data is transferred, it can also return any of the following return codes for the applicable reasons listed in the corresponding DBBINDSTATUS values in IAccessor::CreateAccessor: E_NOINTERFACE, DB_E_BADBINDINFO, DB_E_BADORDINAL, DB_E_BADSTORAGEFLAGS, and DB_E_UNSUPPORTEDCONVERSION.
For information about what IRowsetFind::FindNextRow does when it fetches a row that it already has in its internal buffers, see "Uniqueness of Rows in the Rowset" in Chapter 4: Rowsets. For information about whether IRowsetFind::FindNextRow can detect changes made to rows in the rowset, see "Visibility of Changes" in Chapter 5: Updating Data in Rowsets. For information about how IRowsetFind::FindNextRow interprets data from *pFindValue, see "Setting Data" in Chapter 6, "Getting and Setting Data."
IRowset::GetData | IRowsetIndex::Seek | IRowsetLocate::GetRowsAt | IRowsetLocate::GetRowsByBookmark