Sets the interface pointer of a stream object containing a command.
HRESULT SetCommandStream ( REFIID riid, REFGUID rguidDialect, IUnknown *pCommandStream);
Specifies the type of stream object representing the command.
Specifies the dialect of the command.
If this parameter is set to DBGUID_DEFAULT, the provider uses its default dialect.
Pointer to a stream object of a type specified by riid.
If pCommandStream is a null pointer, the specification of the current command stream object is cleared and the command is put in an initial state.
Return Code
ICommand::Execute uses the last command set by either ICommandStream::SetCommandStream or ICommandText::SetCommandText.
A provider may or may not support the same set of dialects (rguidDialect) on ICommandStream::SetCommandStream as are supported on ICommandText::SetCommandText.
ICommand::Execute | ICommandStream::GetCommandStream | ICommandText::SetCommandText