OLE DB Programmer's Reference

Error Lookup Service Registry Entries

Error lookup services are identified in the registry by the ExtendedErrors subkey under the class ID of the error lookup service. Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, error lookup services must have the following subkeys and values for the programmatic identifier (ProgID).

Keys and subkeys Name Value
      ErrorLookupCLSID (Default) FriendlyDisplayName
         InprocServer32 (Default) ErrorLookupDLLFilename
  ThreadingModel Apartment|Free|Both
         ProgID (Default) ErrorLookupProgID
         VersionIndependentProgID (Default) VersionIndependentErrorLookupProgID

Note that the first two class ID entries are entered under the class ID of the provider to identify the error lookup service for that provider. For more information about error lookup services, see "Error Lookup Services" in Chapter 16: Errors.