Property group: Rowset
Column? N
Typical R/W: R/W
Description: Server Data on Insert
Value | Meaning |
VARIANT_TRUE | After an insert is transmitted to the server (when IRowsetChange::InsertRow is called in immediate mode or when IRowsetUpdate::Update is called for an inserted row in deferred update mode), the consumer can call IRowset::GetData to retrieve the actual values that appeared in the data store, including calculated columns and defaults not explicitly set in the call to IRowsetChange::InsertRow. |
VARIANT_FALSE | The provider does not retrieve values from the data store for newly inserted rows. The consumer can retrieve only data values explicitly set in the call to IRowsetChange::InsertRow or by calls to IRowsetChange::SetData for the hRow returned by InsertRow. |
Consumers should be aware that setting DBPROP_SERVERDATAONINSERT is potentially expensive and may not be supported for certain types of rowsets.