OLE DB Programmer's Reference


Property group: Rowset


Column? Y


Typical R/W: R/W

Description: Cache Deferred Columns

Value Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE The provider caches the value of a deferred column when the consumer first gets a value from that column. When the consumer later gets a value from the column, the provider returns the value in the cache. The contents of the cache can be overwritten by IRowsetChange::SetData or IRowsetRefresh::RefreshVisibleData. The cached value is released when the row is released.

Note   Consumers should set the value of this property to VARIANT_TRUE rather sparingly, because it might require substantial memory use in the provider. Such use might limit the number of rows that can be held at one time. Setting the value of this property to VARIANT_TRUE automatically sets the value of the DBPROP_DEFERRED property to VARIANT_TRUE.

VARIANT_FALSE The provider does not cache the value of a deferred column, and multiple calls to IRowset::GetData for the column can return different values.