OLE DB Programmer's Reference

Chapter 2: Data Source and Session Objects

Two types of COM objects are necessary for consumers to connect to providers: data source objects and session objects.

To connect to an OLE DB provider, a consumer must first create and initialize an instance of the provider's data source object. This data source object can then be used to create a session object, which in turn acts as a factory for transactions, commands, and rowsets. The primary function of a session is to define a transaction. A transaction is a mechanism used to define persistent units of work within a provider and to define how the different units relate to one another in a system with parallel activities.

For more information on Go to
Data providers, consumers, and service components "Conceptual Programming Models in OLE DB" in Chapter 1: Overview of OLE DB
Transactions Chapter 15: Transactions
OLE DB connection models "Rowset Programming and Object Model" and "Binder Programming and Object Model" in Chapter 1: Overview of OLE DB
Data source object "Data Source Objects" in this chapter
Session "Session Objects" in this chapter
Rowsets Chapter 4: Rowsets