OLE DB Programmer's Reference

Binder Objects

Binder objects are OLE DB objects that bind resources named by URLs to other OLE DB objects. There are two types of binder objects, and they are described as follows:

The binder object cotype is defined as follows. For more information about cotypes, see "Conceptual Programming Models in OLE DB" in Chapter 1: Overview of OLE DB.

CoType TBinder {
   [mandatory]   interface IBindResource;
   [mandatory]   interface ICreateRow;
   [mandatory]   interface IDBBinderProperties;
   [optional]    interface IRegisterProvider;        // Root binder only
   [optional]    interface ISupportErrorInfo;

All binder objects must expose the interfaces listed in the following table.

Interface Use
IBindResource Binds to an object named by a URL.
ICreateRow Creates and binds to an object named by a URL.
IDBBinderProperties Gets, sets, or resets direct binding properties.