The SalesData example model described in this section will be referenced throughout the OLE DB for OLAP documentation. In its entirety, the SalesData example represents a complex multidimensional data store containing several dimensions. Because OLE DB relies on the dataset object to present various views of the data in this multidimensional model, on any combination of its dimensions, the following illustration is intended only to provide a conceptual representation of a simple three-dimensional dataset, or cube, that might be derived from the SalesData model.
As defined in OLE DB for OLAP, each dimension in a data cube is either an axis dimension or a slicer dimension. For example, in the preceding illustration, Sales (a member of the Measures dimension) and Products are on the axis dimensions x and y (also called the ROW and COLUMN axes), respectively, and Years represents the slicer dimension, with 1991 representing a possible two-dimensional "slice" as a table showing all product sales for 1991.
The SalesData dataset includes the following dimensions:
The inherent beauty of an OLAP application is its ability to calculate and view data in a number of ways through different dimensions. For example, it is possible to use PercentChange of the Measures dimension to calculate the percentage variance in sales of a particular product over a selection of years. Or, from another perspective, to calculate the percent of change in sales of a particular product as compared against all other products over a selection of years.
Using five of the SalesData dimensions listed above, the following dataset illustration shows how PercentChange would be reported across SalesRep of a Geography region by Years, for all Products.
Another user might want to see how products fare in certain geographical areas, not concerned about time or growth as much as simple sales totals for each product through the quarters of the past year. Accessing data through the same dimensions as in the preceding example, the application can report the data for the selected products across the SalesRep and Geography dimensions for each quarter in a given year, as shown in the following dataset illustration.
Note The axis on which a dimension is located can vary, depending on how the user or programmer wants to view or configure the information.
The preceding two dataset examples have the following characteristics:
The following sections provide sample tables and illustrations of the SalesData dimensions, corresponding members, and hierarchies.
The following table displays seven dimensions of the SalesData dataset and a sampling of members in each dimension. This table is used as the basis of all hierarchical structures listed below the table.
Note Due to space considerations, an elipsis (…) is sometimes used to indicate those portions of information not included for a specific example.
SalesRep | Geography | Quarters | Months | Year | Measures | Products |
Director NA | All | QtrYear | January | 1989 | Sales | Computers |
Netz | North America | Qtr1 | February | 1990 | PercentChange | Expansion Cards |
Venkatrao | Canada | Qtr2 | March | 1991 | BudgetedSales | Floppy Drives |
Director Europe | USA | Qtr3 | April | 1992 | Ceiling Fan | |
Ng | Canada_East | Qtr4 | May | 1993 | 75W Light Bulb | |
King | Canada_West | June | 1994 | AC Adapter, 12V | ||
USA_North | July | 1995 | AC Adapter, 6V | |||
USA_South | August | 1996 | Printers | |||
USA_West | September | 1997 | Scanners | |||
USA_East | October | 1998 | ||||
Boise | November | 1999 | ||||
Boston | December | 2000 | ||||
Calgary | 2001 | |||||
Cookstown | ||||||
Houston | ||||||
Los Angeles | ||||||
Miami | ||||||
New York | ||||||
Ottawa | ||||||
Pembroke | ||||||
Seattle | ||||||
Shreveport | ||||||
Toronto | ||||||
Vancouver | ||||||
Japan |
SalesData Geography Hierarchies
The SalesData Geography hierarchy, detailed in the following table, is constructed from members of the Geography dimension as listed in the SalesData Dimensions/Members table above.
Geography.All | Geography.NorthAmerica |
Geography.Europe | USA |
Geography.NorthAmerica | USA_East |
Boston | |
New York | |
Cookstown | |
Pembroke | |
USA_South | |
Houston | |
Miami | |
USA_North | |
Seattle | |
Boise | |
USA_West | |
Los Angeles | |
Canada | |
Canada_East | |
Ottawa | |
Toronto | |
Canada_West | |
Vancouver | |
Calgary | |
Geography.Japan | (N/A) |
The following illustration provides a conceptual view of the preceding table.
Note The root level member (All) of this hierarchy has no parents, and the leaf level members (Cities) have no children.
The SalesData Time hierarchy listed in the following table are constructed from members of the Quarters and Months dimensions as listed in the SalesData Dimensions/Members table.
QtrYear |
Qtr1 |
January |
February |
March |
Qtr2 |
April |
May |
June |
… |
The following illustration provides a conceptual view of the preceding table:
For comparative purposes, the following table shows how the Time hierarchies are built for both calendar and fiscal year reporting.
Year-Calendar | Year-Fiscal |
Qtr1 | Qtr1 |
January | July |
February | August |
March | September |
Qtr2 | Qtr2 |
… | … |
The following illustration provides a conceptual view of the preceding table: