ODBC Programmer's Reference



Version Introduced: ODBC 2.0


SQLGetPrivateProfileString gets a list of names of values or data corresponding to a value of the system information.


int SQLGetPrivateProfileString(
     LPCSTR     lpszSection,
     LPCSTR     lpszEntry,
     LPCSTR     lpszDefault,
     LPCSTR     RetBuffer,
     INT     cbRetBuffer,
     LPCSTR     lpszFilename);


Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the section containing the key name. If this argument is NULL, the function copies all section names in the file to the supplied buffer.
Points to the null-terminated string containing the key name whose associated string is to be retrieved. If this argument is NULL, all key names in the section specified by the lpszSection argument are copied to the buffer specified by the RetBuffer argument.
Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the default value for the given key if the key cannot be found in the initialization file. This argument cannot be NULL.
Points to the buffer that receives the retrieved string.
Specifies the size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by the RetBuffer argument.
Points to a null-terminated string that names the initialization file. If this argument does not contain a full path to the file, the default directory is searched.


SQLGetPrivateProfileString returns an integer value that indicates the number of characters read.


When a call to SQLGetPrivateProfileString fails, an associated *pfErrorCode value can be obtained by calling SQLInstallerError. The following table lists the *pfErrorCode values that can be returned by SQLInstallerError and explains each one in the context of this function.

*pfErrorCode Error Description
ODBC_ERROR_GENERAL_ERR General installer error An error occurred for which there was no specific installer error.
ODBC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEM Out of memory The installer could not perform the function because of a lack of memory.


SQLGetPrivateProfileString is provided as a simple way to port drivers and driver setup DLLs from Microsoft® Windows® to Microsoft Windows NT®/Windows 2000. Calls to GetPrivateProfileString that retrieve a profile string from the Odbc.ini file should be replaced with calls to SQLGetPrivateProfileString. SQLGetPrivateProfileString calls functions in the Win32® API to retrieve the requested names of values or data corresponding to a value of the Odbc.ini subkey of the system information.

The configuration mode (as set by SQLSetConfigMode) indicates where the Odbc.ini entry listing DSN values is in the system information. If the DSN is a User DSN (the configuration mode is USERDSN_ONLY), the function reads from the Odbc.ini entry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. If the DSN is a System DSN (SYSTEMDSN_ONLY), the function reads from the Odbc.ini entry in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. If the configuration mode is BOTHDSN, HKEY_CURRENT_USER is tried, and if it fails, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is used.

Related Functions

For information about See
Writing a value to the system information SQLWritePrivateProfileString