ODBC Programmer's Reference

Rowset Size

Which rowset size to use depends on the application. Screen-based applications commonly follow one of two strategies. The first is to set the rowset size to the number of rows displayed on the screen; if the user resizes the screen, the application changes the rowset size accordingly. The second is to set the rowset size to a larger number, such as 100, which reduces the number of calls to the data source. The application scrolls locally within the rowset when possible and fetches new rows only when it scrolls outside the rowset.

Other applications, such as reports, tend to set the rowset size to the largest number of rows the application can reasonably handle—with a larger rowset, the network overhead per row is sometimes reduced. Exactly how large a rowset can be depends on the size of each row and the amount of memory available.

Rowset size is set by a call to SQLSetStmtAttr with an Attribute argument of SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE. The application can change the rowset size, bind new rowset buffers (by calling SQLBindCol or specifying a binding offset) even after rows have been fetched, or both. The implications of changing the rowset size depend on the function: