ODBC Programmer's Reference

Chapter 21: ODBC API Reference

The following topics describe each ODBC function in alphabetical order. Each function is defined as a C programming language function. Descriptions include the following:

The standard CLI conformance level can be one of the following: ISO 92, X/Open, ODBC, or Deprecated. A function tagged as ISO 92–conformant also appears in X/Open version 1, because X/Open is a pure superset of ISO 92. A function tagged as X/Open-compliant also appears in ODBC 3.x, because ODBC 3.x is a pure superset of X/Open version 1. A function tagged as ODBC-compliant appears in neither standard. A function tagged as deprecated has been deprecated in ODBC 3.x.

Handling of diagnostic information is described in the SQLGetDiagField function description. The text associated with SQLSTATE values is included to provide a description of the condition but is not intended to prescribe specific text.