ODBC Programmer's Reference

Date, Time, and Timestamp Escape Sequences

ODBC defines escape sequences for date, time, and timestamp literals. The syntax of these escape sequences is as follows:

{d 'value'}
{t 'value'}
{ts 'value'}

In BNF notation, the syntax is as follows:

ODBC-date-time-escape ::=
     | ODBC-time-escape
     | ODBC-timestamp-escape
ODBC-date-escape ::=
     ODBC-esc-initiator d 'date-value' ODBC-esc-terminator
ODBC-time-escape ::=
     ODBC-esc-initiator t 'time-value' ODBC-esc-terminator
ODBC-timestamp-escape ::=
     ODBC-esc-initiator ts 'timestamp-value' ODBC-esc-terminator
ODBC-esc-initiator ::= {
ODBC-esc-terminator ::= }
date-value ::= 
     years-value date-separator months-value date-separator days-value
time-value ::= 
     hours-value time-separator minutes-value time-separator seconds-value
timestamp-value ::= date-value timestamp-separator time-value
date-separator ::= -
time-separator ::= :
timestamp-separator ::=
     (The blank character)
years-value ::= digit digit digit digit
months-value ::= digit digit
days-value ::= digit digit
hours-value ::= digit digit
minutes-value ::= digit digit
seconds-value ::= digit digit[.digit…]

The date, time, and timestamp literal escape sequences are supported if the date, time, and timestamp data types are supported by the data source. An application should call SQLGetTypeInfo to determine whether these data types are supported.