Installing SQL Server

Proposed Database Layout

The Proposed Database Layout dialog box lists the databases, file groups, and data files that the Microsoft® SQL Server™ Upgrade Wizard will create. You can create or remove file groups and data files from the File menu. Double-click a data file to edit the file name, initial size, or file growth details.

Object Details

Click on a file group or data file in the proposed database layout to view details. Click a database in the proposed database layout to view summary information.

Drive Summary

The drive summary lists all local fixed-disk drives. For each drive, the existing SQL Server version 6.5 data file size, proposed SQL Server 2000 data file size, and free space are listed. On the Options menu, select Freespace includes 6.5 files to view the free space that would exist if the SQL Server 6.5 data files were deleted. This option shows the disk space available if the upgrade is performed using tape and the SQL Server 6.5 devices are deleted.

See Also

Database Configuration