Installing SQL Server

Using the Start Menu

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Setup creates the Microsoft SQL Server program group on the Start menu in the Programs group. From the Microsoft SQL Server program group, you can start:

Microsoft SQL Server-Switch Program Group

If you install an instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (default or named) on the same computer with an installation of Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5, Setup removes the Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 program group and adds the Microsoft SQL Server-Switch program group. SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 2000 cannot run at the same time, but using the Server-Switch program group, you can switch between the two versions.

On the Start menu, only the program group of the active version of SQL Server is accessible at any given time. The nonactive version is shown in the Server-Switch program group so you can quickly switch from one version to another.

The Microsoft SQL Server-Switch program group contains these options:

See Also

Switching Between SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 2000