How to modify publications and articles (Enterprise Manager)
Note If subscriptions have been created to the publication, some properties are disabled and cannot be changed.
To view or modify publication properties
- At the Publisher, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager, expand a server group, expand the Replication folder, expand the Publications folder, right-click a publication and choose Properties.
- In the Publication Properties dialog box, click the General tab to view the publication name, database name, and type of publication.
- You can also view or modify the publication description, the initial snapshot file format, or the synchronization time limit.
- Select what you want to do on the General tab.
- To add, remove, or change the properties of an article, click the Articles tab. To view or change the schema objects that are being published, click the properties button (...) for an article and click the Snapshot tab
- To filter the columns in published tables, click Filter Columns.
- To filter the rows in published tables, click Filter Rows.
- To push, delete, reinitialize, or view the properties of subscriptions, click the Subscriptions tab.
- For snapshot or transactional publications, click Subscription Options to allow pull subscriptions, allow anonymous subscriptions, allow new subscriptions to be created by attaching a subscription database, and view whether the publication allows transformations on published data, immediate updating, or queued updating.
- For merge publications, click Subscription Options to allow pull subscriptions, allow anonymous subscriptions, allow new subscriptions to be created by attaching a subscription database, view if data conflicts are stored centrally at the Publisher, view if dynamic filtering is used, and if so if Subscriber information is validated, and view if synchronization is being optimized.
- For snapshot and transactional publications, click the Updatable tab to see if immediate updating or queued updating subscriptions are allowed, to enable conflicts to be reported centrally at the Publisher, to specify the conflict resolution policy, and if queued updating is allowed, to specify where to queue changes at the Subscriber.
- To modify snapshot format (SQL Server or character mode), specify scripts to run before and after the snapshot is applied, and for transactional replication to enable concurrent snapshot processing, click the Snapshot tab.
- To specify an alternate location to save the snapshot, compress the snapshot files, and specify File Transfer Protocol (FTP) information if the Subscriber will access the snapshot folder using FTP, click the Snapshot Location tab.
- To specify the logins that have access to the publication, click Publication Access List.
- To view the status of the Snapshot Agent, run the Agent, view Agent properties, or start the services required by the publication, click the Status tab.
- For merge publications, click the Sync Partners tab to enable Subscribers to synchronize with servers other than the original Publisher, and then select the servers that may serve as alternate partners for this publication.
To grant or revoke access to a publication
- At the Publisher, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager, expand a server group, expand the Replication folder, expand the Publications folder, right-click the publication, and then click Properties.
- To add or remove a login for access to the publication, click the Publication Access List tab, click Add, Remove, or Remove All.
Note If a remote Distributor is used, the new logins must exist in the publication access lists at both the Publisher and at the Distributor. If the pull subscription login is not in the publication access list, an error appears at the Subscriber.
To add or delete an article
Note After subscriptions are created, articles can be added to existing publications. Deleting articles from publications that have subscriptions is not allowed. To remove an article, you must first delete all subscriptions.
- At the Publisher, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager, expand a server group, expand the Replication folder, expand the Publications folder, right-click a publication and choose Properties.
- Select what you want to do with the article.
- To see a list of all available objects, click the Articles tab, and then select Show unpublished objects.
- To add an article, select the Show check box next to the Object Type listed. Select the check box next to the article object to add to the publication, or select the Publish All check box next to the object type you want to publish.
- To delete an article, select the Show check box next to the Object Type listed. Clear the check box next to the article object to delete to the publication, or clear the Publish All check box next to the object type you want to exclude from the publication.
- To set article options, click the build button (...).