How To

How to uninstall an existing installation of SQL Server (Setup)

To uninstall an existing installation of SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 2000 (default or named instance)

  1. Insert the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 compact disc in your CD-ROM drive. If the compact disc does not autorun, double-click Autorun.exe in the root directory of the compact disc.

  2. Select SQL Server 2000 Components, select Install Database Server, and then setup prepares the SQL Server Installation Wizard. At the Welcome screen, click Next.

  3. In Computer Name dialog box, select Local Computer or Remote computer.

  4. In the Installation Selection dialog box, click Upgrade, Remove, or Add Components to an existing instance of SQL Server, and then click Next.

  5. In the Instance Name dialog box, Default is selected if you have the Default instance installed. If you want to uninstall a named instance, select it from the Instance Name list box, and then click Next.

  6. In the Existing Installation dialog box, click Uninstall your existing installation, and then click Next.

  7. Setup removes the selected installation. In the Uninstalling dialog box, click Next, and then in the Setup Complete dialog box, click Finish.