How To

How to change the size of tempdb in SQL Server 6.5 (ISQL/w)

To change the size of tempdb in SQL Server 6.5

  1. On the Start menu, point to Programs/Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, and then click ISQL/w.

  2. Enter the sa password, and then click Connect.

  3. Execute a DISK INIT command to increase the size of the tempdb device to at least 25 MB.

  4. Execute an ALTER DATABASE command to increase the size of the tempdb database to at least 25 MB.
--Increase the size of the tempdb device
DISK INIT name = 'tempdb1',physname = 'c:\mssql\data\tempdb1.DAT',vdevno = 100, size = 12800
--Increase the size of tempdb
ALTER DATABASE tempdb ON tempdb1 = 25