How to copy data from a Northwind table using DTS Designer (Enterprise Manager)
To copy data from a Northwind table using DTS Designer
- On the Data Transformation Services (DTS) Designer design sheet, CTRL-click Cn1, and then CTRL-click Cn2.
The order in which you CTRL-click is the order in which DTS Designer directs the data flow.
- On the Task toolbar, click Transform Data Task.
An arrow appears pointing from Cn1 to Cn2.
- Right-click the Transform Data arrow, and then click Properties.
- In the Description box, type Copy Categories data, and then in the Table/View list, click [Northwind].[dbo].[Categories].
- Click the Destination tab, and then click Create.
A new table is created to receive the copy of the source data.
- In the Create Destination Table dialog box, in the SQL statement box, position the insertion point in the first line and edit the CREATE TABLE statement so it reads:
CREATE TABLE [Categories2]
- Click the Transformations tab and view the mappings between the source and destination columns in the two tables. Then click OK to exit the Transform Data Task Properties dialog box and save the settings.
Note In this example, you are copying data, but you also can use this dialog box to map transformations or manipulate the columns.