How To

How to create and configure three Loop tasks (Enterprise Manager)

To create and configure three Loop tasks

  1. On the Data Transformation Services (DTS) design sheet, right-click Spreadsheet Wait, point to Workflow, and then click Workflow Properties.

  2. In the Workflow Properties dialog box, click the Options tab and note the name of the step in the Name box.

    It is likely to be DTSStep_DTSMessageQueueTask_1. You will need to click this name in another box later in this procedure.

  3. From the Task toolbar, drag a Dynamic Properties task onto the design sheet.

  4. In the Description box, type Loop, and then click Add.

  5. In the tree display in the left pane, expand Steps, and then expand DTSStep_DTSMessageQueueTask_1 (the name you noted in Step 2).

  6. In the right pane, under Property name, double-click Execution Status.

  7. In the Add/Edit Assignment dialog box, in the Source list, click Constant, and then in the Constant box, type 1.

    1 is the value assigned to DTSStepExecStat_Waiting.

  8. On the design sheet, do the following:
    • Right-click Loop, and then click Copy.

    • Right-click the design sheet, and then click Paste. Repeat this paste once.

    • Position the three Loop tasks in a column on the right side of the design sheet.
  9. Right-click each of these pasted Loop tasks, point to Workflow, and then click Workflow Properties.

  10. Click the Precedence tab, and then add a new entry with Source Step set to the proper step: Failed XLS Load, Failed Expense Load, or Load Filtered Data. Set Precedence to Success.