How To

How to configure the Failed Expense Load (or Failed XLS Load) task (Enterprise Manager)

To configure the Failed Expense Load (or Failed XLS Load) task

  1. From the Task toolbar, drag a Message Queue task onto the Data Transformation Services (DTS) design sheet.

  2. In the Message Queue Task Properties dialog box, in the Description box, type Failed Expense Load (or Failed XLS Load).

  3. In the Message list, click Send Message.

  4. In the Queue box, enter the name of the computer_name\queue_type$\queue_name combination that identifies the location to which unloadable worksheets will be sent.

  5. In the Messages to be sent list, click Add.

  6. In the Message type box, click Data File Message, and in the File Name box, type C:\Temp\Expense.xls.

  7. On the design sheet, right-click Failed Expense Load (or Failed XLS Load), point to Workflow, and then click Workflow Properties.

  8. Click the Options tab, and then select the following check boxes:
    •  Commit transaction on successful completion of this step

    • Join transaction if present

    • Rollback transaction on failure
  9. Click the Precedence tab, and then add a new entry with Source Step set to Load Filtered Data (or Load Raw Data) and Precedence set to Failure.