How To

How to retrieve rowset data stored in a global variable (Enterprise Manager)

To retrieve the rowset data stored in a global variable using the Execute SQL task

  1. From the Task toolbar, drag a Microsoft® ActiveX® Script task onto the Data Transformation Services (DTS) design sheet.

  2. In the ActiveX Script Properties dialog box, after the Function Main() statement, type the following Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) code:
    dim countr
    dim RS
    set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    set RS = DTSGlobalVariables("Authors").value
    for countr = 1 to RS.RecordCount
        MsgBox "The author ID is " & RS.Fields("au_id").value
    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
  3. On the design sheet, click the Execute SQL task, and then CTRL-click the ActiveX Script task.

  4. On the Workflow menu, click On Success or On Completion.

    The au_id column for each row returned from the SELECT statement is displayed.