To use cursors
Set the SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE and SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY attributes (this is the preferred option).
Use row-wise binding.
If bound statement parameters are used for output parameters or the return value of a stored procedure, use the data now available in the bound parameter buffers.
When bound parameters are used, each call to SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect will have executed the SQL statement S times, where S is the number of elements in the array of bound parameters. This means that there will be S sets of results to process, where each set of results comprises all of the result sets, output parameters, and return codes usually returned by a single execution of the SQL statement.
Note that when a result set contains compute rows, each compute row is made available as a separate result set. These compute result sets are interspersed within the normal rows and break normal rows into multiple result sets.
In Step 9, calling SQLMoreResults on a partially processed result set clears the remainder of the result set. Another way to clear a partially processed result set is to call SQLCloseCursor.
You can control the type of cursor used by either setting SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE and SQL_ATTR_CONCURRENCY, or by setting SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SENSITIVITY and SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_SCROLLABLE. You should not mix the two methods of specifying cursor behavior.