Getting Started

Using Accessibility Features in SQL Server Books Online

The following topics describe the accessibility features that can be used for navigating SQL Server Books Online.

For more information about accessibility features and services, see the Accessibility page at Microsoft Web site.

Changing the Appearance of the Text

The formatting, font, and color of the text in SQL Server Books Online can be changed.

To change formatting or styles for accessibility

  1. On the Options menu, click Internet Options, and then click Accessibility.

  2. In the Accessibility dialog box, select the options you want, and then click OK.

These changes do not apply to the Navigation pane or toolbar of SQL Server Books Online. This procedure also changes your accessibility settings for Microsoft® Internet Explorer.

To change the font size of a topic

These changes do not apply to the Navigation pane or toolbar of SQL Server Books Online. This procedure also changes your font settings for Internet Explorer.

To change colors in the Topic pane of SQL Server Books Online

  1. In Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

  2. On the General tab, click Colors.

  3. In the Colors dialog box, select the options you want, and then click OK.

  4. To apply the new color settings, in the Internet Options dialog box, click OK.

These changes do not apply to the Navigation pane or toolbar of SQL Server Books Online. This procedure also changes your color settings for Internet Explorer.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

The following tables show the keyboard shortcuts that can be used for navigating SQL Server Books Online.

SQL Server Books Online
To Press
Close SQL Server Books Online. ALT+F4
Switch between SQL Server Books Online and other open windows. ALT+TAB
Display the Options menu. ALT+O
Change Microsoft® Internet Explorer settings. The Internet Options dialog box contains accessibility settings. To change these settings, click the General tab, and then click Accessibility. ALT+O, and then press I
Hide or show the Navigation pane. ALT+O, and then press T
Print a topic. ALT+O, and then press P
Move back to the previous topic. ALT+LEFT ARROW, or ALT+O, and then press B
Move forward to the next topic (provided you have just previously viewed it). ALT+RIGHT ARROW, or ALT+O, and then press F
Turn on or off search highlighting. ALT+O, and then press O
Switch between the Navigation pane and the Topic pane. F6
Scroll through the table of contents, displaying each topic as you scroll. ALT+UP ARROW, or ALT+DOWN ARROW
Scroll through a topic. UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW, or PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN
Scroll through all the links in a topic or through all the options on a Navigation pane tab. TAB
Display the Documentation Feedback form. SHIFT+CTRL+F
Display the topic containing keyboard shortcuts. SHIFT+CTRL+K
Display the See Also topics for a particular topic. SHIFT+CTRL+S

Contents Tab
To Press
Display the Contents tab. ALT+C
Open and close a book or folder. PLUS SIGN and MINUS SIGN, or LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW
Select a topic. DOWN ARROW and UP ARROW
Display the selected topic. ENTER

Index Tab
To Press
Display the Index tab. ALT+N
Type a keyword to search for. ALT+W, and then type the word
Select a keyword in the list. UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
Display the associated topic. ALT+D

Search Tab
To Press
Display the Search tab. ALT+S
Type a keyword to search for. ALT+W, and then type the word
Start a search. ALT+L
Select a topic in the results list. ALT+T, and then UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
Display the selected topic. ALT+D
Search for a word or phrase in a topic. CTRL+F
Search for a keyword in the result list of a prior search. ALT+U
Search for words similar to the keyword. For example, to find words such as "running" and "runs" for the keyword "run." ALT+M
Search only through topic titles. ALT+R

Favorites Tab
To Press
Display the Favorites tab. ALT+I
Add the currently displayed topic to the Favorites list. ALT+A
Select a topic in the Favorites list. ALT+P, and then UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
Display the selected topic. ALT+D
Remove the selected topic from the list. ALT+R