English Query

Specify Join Path Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify a join path when there is more than one way to get to the entity from the join table specified for the relationship.

For example, in a relationship called Sell, an entity is branch. The join table is the table Sales. There is more than one way to get from the table Sales to the table Branches.

The two ways to get to the table representing the entity are:


Joins available from the table <table name> list

Select the join to use for the entity.

This list changes to the list of joins in the other table of your selection each time you click Add. For example, if you choose the join between Branch_id in the Branches table and the Sales table, Brances.Branch_id~Sales.Branch_id, and click Add, this box will change to list the joins in the Sales table.


Move the selected join from the Joins available from the table <table name> list to the Join path so far list and change the Joins available list to reflect the joins available in the other table.

Join path so far

Display a list of the joins that you have added.


Move the join selected in the Join path so far list to the Joins available from the table <table name> list and change the list to reflect the joins available in that table.