Use the Semantics tab to display the semantic objects and to graphically create relationships.
The Semantics tab consists of two panes:
To see definitions of existing semantic objects, double-click the object. To create a semantic object, select one of the Add commands (Entity, Relationship, or Dictionary Entry) from the Model menu.
The right pane is where you graphically create and view relationships. Drag the entities from the left pane to the Canvas pane to create relationships among them. Drag relationships from the left pane to the Canvas pane to add or modify a relationship in the model.
Entities are displayed in a rectangle containing the name of the entity and relationships are displayed as an oval containing a description of the relationship.
Drag entities and relationships from the left pane to the Canvas pane to accomplish the following:
Drag a relationship from the left pane to the Canvas pane to add the relationship and any corresponding entities to the diagram.
Drag one or more selected entities onto a relationship that is currently part of the relationship to add entities to the existing relationship.
Drag an entity onto another entity in the Canvas pane to create the relationship rectangle.
Create relationships among multiple entities by pressing SHIFT and clicking the desired entities. Then drag the entities to another entity, or right-click one of the entities on the Canvas pane and click Relate.
Display and modify an existing entity or its relationship. If you drag an entity to the Canvas pane without dragging it onto another entity, all relationships between that entity and all other entities currently on the Canvas pane are displayed. Double-clicking the entity displays the Entity/New Entity dialog box, where the entity can be modified and double-clicking a relationship displays the Relationship/New Relationship dialog box. There, the relationship can be edited.
Move entities to another position on the Canvas pane by dragging them to the new location. Repositioning an entity anchors it in the new location.
Remove entities from the Canvas pane by dragging them from the diagram. This action does not delete them from your model.
Canvas Pane
These commands are available only when you click on the Canvas pane and affect the objects within the Canvas pane.
Entities and Relationships
These commands are available only when you right-click an entity or relationship in the Canvas pane.
Note Removing an entity or relationship does not delete it from the model.