English Query

Semantics Tab (Model Editor)

Use the Semantics tab to display the semantic objects and to graphically create relationships.

The Semantics tab consists of two panes:

Entities and Relationships

Drag entities and relationships from the left pane to the Canvas pane to accomplish the following:

Shortcut Menu Commands

Canvas Pane

These commands are available only when you click on the Canvas pane and affect the objects within the Canvas pane.

Select All
Select all of the entities and relationships in the Canvas pane.
Add Relationship
Display the New Relationship dialog box, where you add a relationship to your model.
Float All
Set all of the entities and relationships to automatically adjust their positions on the Canvas pane when a new object is added. When an entity or relationship floats, it appears with a shadow around it.
Anchor All
Set all of the entities and relationships to remain in position on the Canvas pane a new object is added. Anchored entities and relationships do not have a shadow.
Zoom In/Zoom Out
Change the view of the entities and relationships on the Canvas Pane.
Clear all of the objects from the Canvas pane.
Animate Layout
Gradually position the entities and relationships when you add entities to the model.
Display Help for the Semantics tab.

Entities and Relationships

These commands are available only when you right-click an entity or relationship in the Canvas pane.

Add Relationship
Display the New Relationship dialog box, where you add a relationship to your model. Available only for entities.
Add all of the relationships associated with the selected entity to the Canvas pane. All necessary entities associated with the relationships are also added. Available only for entities.
Remove the relationships from the diagram associated with the selected entity. Available only for entities.
Set the selected relationship to allow its position to be automatically adjusted on the Canvas pane when a new object is added. A relationship in float mode has a shadow around it. Available only for relationships.
Set the selected entity to remain in position on the Canvas pane when a new object is added. Available only for entities.
Remove from Diagram
Remove the selected entities or relationships from the Canvas pane.

Note  Removing an entity or relationship does not delete it from the model.

Display Help for the Semantics tab.

See Also

Entity/New Entity Dialog Box

OLAP Tab (Model Editor)

Relationship/New Relationship Dialog Box