Use this dialog box to select a phrasing type for a relationship.
A phrasing describes a relationship between entities. In other words, phrasings are a way to talk about a relationship in English. Choose the phrasing that most closely reflects how users would ask their questions.
For example, Customers buy products from stores is a verb phrasing that describes a relationship. It allows questions to be asked such as, "What customers bought widgetX from Store #1?"
Name/ID Phrasing
Create a relationship in which an entity has a name or ID.
For example, Name/ID phrasing includes employee_names are the names of employees or titles are the names of books.
Trait Phrasing
Create a relationship in which an entity is a trait of another entity.
For example, trait phrasing include patients have blood types.
Preposition Phrasing
Create a relationship between two entities in which one is the subject and one is the accompanying object of a
For example, preposition phrasing includes stories are about topics where stories is the subject, about is the preposition, and topics is the object.
Adjective Phrasing
Create a relationship in which an entity is described by an
For example, adjective phrasing includes city is hot where city is an entity, and hot may be defined in the project or contained in a field in the database.
Subset Phrasing
Create an English description of a relationship in which one entity or word is a subset of another entity.
For example, subset phrasing includes some mountains are volcanoes where volcanoes are a subset of mountains.
Verb Phrasing
Create a relationship in which the entity acts.
For example, verb phrasing includes people work or salespeople sell products to customers.
Command Phrasing
Create phrasing used to define new model-specific commands in a command relationship. Command relationships can use entities that are not represented by
For example, command phrasing includes print <file> or show paintings.
Defining Relationship Phrasings