English Query

English Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to specify properties that are applicable to the entire English Query application, rather than particular database or semantic objects, represented by the open project.


Ask about spelling mistakes

Specify that users of the application will be prompted to correct spelling mistakes in their questions. If this option is not selected, English Query attempts to correct spelling errors automatically.

Default date

Specify that the application should assume the selected date if the question does not specify one directly.

For example, if year is selected, then the question, "Show Ann's sales," is interpreted as "Show Ann's sales for this year." (A default date also can be set for individual relationships.)

Enable user context

Specify that English Query should retain a "conversational context" for the user.

This option allows the user to refer to previous questions using pronouns (for example, "Who was hired last year?" followed by "Which department hired them?") and ellipsis (for example, "Show the total sales for 1996" followed by "for 1997").

Keyword mode

Provide a best guess of the meaning of a query that English Query does not understand because it contains improper syntax and/or unknown vocabulary.

For example, the question "List the tall customers who ordered Chai," generates different results with and without Keyword mode selected.

Assume unknown names refer to

Specify an entity that should be used if it is unclear to what name the entity is referring.

For example, "Show John's appointments" would be interpreted as show appointments for the doctor named John.

Assume unknown IDs refer to

Specify an entity that should be used if it is unclear to what entity an ID is referring.

Assume "I" and "me" refer to

Specify an entity, which contains names that should be used if "I" or "me" is used in a question. If this option is specified, a clarification request is made when the user asks questions starting with "I" or "me" or its variations, such as "my" or "mine." A user can avoid the clarification request by entering an "I am" declarative question, such as "I am Sue." English Query will remember Sue and assume that all "I" and "me" questions refer to Sue.

Fiscal Year

Enter parameters for the fiscal year:

Fiscal year start
Enter the month and day that the fiscal year begins.
Assume years are fiscal years
Specify that when a year is used in a question, the application will assume that it refers to a fiscal year unless otherwise specified in the question.

Regression Test

Set parameters of regression:

Regression date
Specify a particular date to use when running regressions.

Using this option allows time-dependent questions to generate identical responses when regressions are run on different days. For example, the question, "How many customers bought products yesterday?" generates different SQL each day unless this option is set.

See Also

Advanced Entity Properties Dialog Box

Entity/New Entity Dialog Box

OLAP Dimension Dialog Box

Select An Analysis Server Dialog Box