Creating Relationships in the OLAP Project Wizard
If there is more than one in a , the OLAP Project Wizard creates between a dimension's and the entities for each level in the dimension. In the example in which Customer is the dimension and the levels under it are Country, State, City, and Customer Name, the following relationships are created:
- Trait phrasings on the dimension-level relationships (dimension entity has lowest level entity) and on the level-level relationships (lower level entity has higher level entity). For example:
- customers have cities is a dimension-level relationship, where customers is the dimension entity, and cities is the lowest level entity.
- Cities have states is a level-level relationship, where cities is the lower-level entity, and states is the higher-level entity.
- Preposition phrasings on those relationships in which the lower-level entities are in higher-level entities. For example:
- cities are in states, where cities is the lower-level entity and states is the higher-level entity.
- Preposition phrasings on those relationships in which the dimensions are in lower-level entities. For example:
- customers are in cities, where customers is the dimension entity and cities is the lower-level entity.
- A name or ID relationship between the dimension entity and for the lowest-level of the dimension. For example:
- customer names are the names of customers where customer name is the lowest-level entity, and customers is the dimension entity.
Relationship Sample
Here are a few relationships created by the OLAP Project Wizard:
sales have unit sales (fact to measures)
sales have store costs
sales have store sales
stores names are the names of stores (dimension to bottom level)
stores have sales (dimension to fact)
stores have store managers (dimension to properties)
product names are the names of products (dimension to bottom level)
products have sales (dimension to fact)
products have brand names
sale time (a single entity is proposed for the time dimension)
sale times have sales
promotion media
promotion medias have sales
promotions have sales
customer names are the names of customers (dimension to bottom level)
customers have sales (dimension to fact)
customers have customer genders (dimension to properties)
education level
education levels have sales
genders have sales
marital status
marital statuses have sales
yearly income
yearly incomes have sales