Parameter Object
A parameter for a .
Parameters Collection |
A collection of Parameter objects, which are parameters for a command relationship. |
FieldCount Property |
Contains the number of fields in the Fields property array. |
Fields Property |
Contains an array of the fields in the specified query command, which yields the values of a parameter of a command relationship. |
ParameterID Property |
Contains an integer identifying a parameter of a command relationship. |
ParameterType Property |
Contains an integer representing a parameter for a command relationship. |
QueryCommand Property |
Contains an index of the query command in the QueryCommands collection that yields the values of a parameter of a command relationship. |
Units Property |
Contains a description that qualifies the parameter values, such as percent or dollars. |
Value Property |
Contains a parameter value that represents a parameter for a command relationship. |
Parameters can be of two types: Value and Field. A Value parameter is indicated by parameter type nlParamValue. A Value parameter has the properties of Value and Units. A Field parameter is indicated by the parameter type nlParamField. It has the properties of QueryCommand and Fields.
See Also
DomainCmd Object