English Query

Parameter Object

A parameter for a command relationship.

Parameters Collection A collection of Parameter objects, which are parameters for a command relationship.

FieldCount Property Contains the number of fields in the Fields property array.
Fields Property Contains an array of the fields in the specified query command, which yields the values of a parameter of a command relationship.
ParameterID Property Contains an integer identifying a parameter of a command relationship.
ParameterType Property Contains an integer representing a parameter for a command relationship.
QueryCommand Property Contains an index of the query command in the QueryCommands collection that yields the values of a parameter of a command relationship.
Units Property Contains a description that qualifies the parameter values, such as percent or dollars.
Value Property Contains a parameter value that represents a parameter for a command relationship.


Parameters can be of two types: Value and Field. A Value parameter is indicated by parameter type nlParamValue. A Value parameter has the properties of Value and Units. A Field parameter is indicated by the parameter type nlParamField. It has the properties of QueryCommand and Fields.

See Also

DomainCmd Object