English Query

Importing and Exporting Models to Meta Data Services

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Meta Data Services is an object-oriented repository technology that can be used to store English Query models. Meta Data Services is an installed component of SQL Server 2000. If you are using SQL Server, a repository database already exists for your use. Within Microsoft Visual Studio®, Meta Data Services supports the exchange of model data with other development tools as well.

You can use Meta Data Services for your own purposes: as a component of an integrated information system, as a native store for custom applications that process meta data, or as a storage and management service for sharing reusable models. You can also extend Meta Data Services to provide support for new tools for resale or customize it to satisfy internal tool requirements.

When importing an English Query model, you specify a connection to an instance of Meta Data Services. After the connection is established, you choose from a list of models. The model is then imported into the English Query project.

When exporting an English Query model, you make a connection to an instance of Meta Data Services from which you specify a model name. If the model name already exists in that instance, you are prompted confirm that you want to overwrite the existing model or choose a new name.