English Query

How to add a new or existing regression test file to a project

New or existing regression test files (.eqr) can be added to a project. After adding the regression test file, it is possible to view and edit the file and promote it to the new regression test file. The regression output is displayed in Extensible Markup Language (XML)-tagged format, which differentiates the questions, restatements, answers, and SQL statements for easier editing.

To add a regression file to the project

  1. In the Project Explorer window, right-click the project to which the regression test file is to be added, and then click Add Regression Test.

  2. In the Add Item dialog box, select Regression Test for a new file or, on the Existing tab, choose an existing file.

  3. In the Name box, enter a name for the file or leave the default name.

    The default file name for a new file is Regression(number).eqr (for example, Regression1.eqr). Rename the regression test file if desired.

  4. Click Open.

    Note  When a text (.txt) file, containing one question per line, is added as a regression test file to the project, English Query automatically converts it into regression test file format.

See Also

How to edit a regression test file

How to remove a regression test file

How to rename a regression test file

How to save model test information to a regression test file