English Query

How to delete a field from a model

A field can be deleted from a model when it is no longer needed. Deleting a field from a model does not delete it from the database table.

To delete a field

  1. On the SQL tab, expand Tables, and then double-click the table from which the filed is to be deleted.

  2. To select the field to delete, click the far-left gray column for the field.

  3. Right-click anywhere in the selected field, and then click Delete Rows.

  4. Click OK.

  5. If prompted to delete the field, click OK.

  6. To delete any entities, joins, phrasing, relationships, or roles that refer to the field, select In addition, delete the following objects which refer to the field <fieldname> in the Confirm Deletion dialog box.

    Note  Generally after deleting a field, delete the objects or the project will not compile.

See Also

Model Editor

SQL Tab (Model Editor)

Table/New Table Dialog Box