English Query

Enabling Full-Text Search for an English Query Model

Enable Microsoft Search service and the full-text search feature to support faster, more powerful, and more flexible searches of structured and unstructured textual data in SQL databases.

Using full-text search, users' questions can:

For example, using full-text search, the question "What movies released last year were about a big asteroid threatening to crash into Earth" generates the full-text FREETEXTTABLE() function. This function searches for many words and phrases (big, asteroid, threatening, crash, Earth,), all of the tenses of the verbs, singulars and plurals of the nouns, and phrases such as big asteroid.

To enable full-text searching

Model Editor

Model Editor

See Also

Creating a Mixed English Query Model

Creating an English Query Model

Defining Entities in an English Query Model

Enabling Analysis Services for an English Query Model

Expanding an English Query Model

Testing an English Query Model