A preposition phrasing describes a relationship between the subject and object entities that includes prepositions. For example, the phrase patients are on medications (for illnesses) (at dosages) (for studies) allows the following questions to be answered by
Likewise, use prepositional phrasing to answer questions about geographical locations, such as "How many cabins are in the Sierra Nevada mountain range?" and "How many cabins are in the Southern Hemisphere?" You would set up the hierarchy to answer these questions with the following phrasings:
Words commonly used as prepositions include about, above, across, before, below, concerning, down, for, from, in, like of, on, over, past, regarding, since, through, till, to, toward, under, until, with, and without.
Phrasal prepositions include according to, along with, as to, because of, due to, in case of, in place of, instead of, up to, and with regard to.
Defining Relationship Phrasings