English Query

Severity Property

Indicates the type of error.

Applies To

EQError Object


EQError.Severity [= value]



Object variable that provides information about an error, warning, or hint generated during the compilation of an EQModel object or during the loading of a project or module.


A returned enum indicating the type of error.

Error type Value Description
eqSevInfo 0 Hint indicating a modification that the user may want to make to improve the model.
eqSevWarning 1 Warning about a potentially incorrect model, such as the presence of more than one possible join path from the join table of the relationship object to the table.
eqSevError 2 Error that must be resolved before the model can be built.


This property is read-only.

See Also

Compile-Time Error Messages (Authoring Object Model)

EQModel Object