Use the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package log to troubleshoot problems that occurred during the execution of a DTS package. The DTS package log, unlike the Microsoft® SQL Server™ error log and the DTS exception log, contains information about the success or failure of each step in a package and can help determine the step at which a package failure occurred. Each time a package executes, execution information is appended to the package log, which is stored in msdb tables in SQL Server or in SQL Server Meta Data Services. You can save package logs on any server running an instance of SQL Server 2000. If a package log does not exist, the log will be created when a package is run.
An executing package writes information to the package log about all steps in the package, whether or not an individual step runs. If a step runs, it will retain start and end times, and the step execution time. For steps that do not run, the log lists the steps and notes that the step was not executed.
Package logging is only available on servers running an instance of SQL Server 2000.
Along with DTS package logs, DTS exception files provide helpful troubleshooting information. The Data Driven Query task and Transform Data task use exception files to save error information about rows of data that were not copied to the destination and to store the actual source and destination rows that failed. For more information, see Tasks That Transform Data.
To view DTS package logs